This is what makes our organization unique...
m EU 19-57 IPE AA 80 - 550, IPE A 80 - 600,
Our Vision
“You Define a challenge, we Design & Deliver innovative & elegant solutions”
Interconnect our brand name with niche and innovative structural engineering, providing elegant solutions that are functional and economic!
Enable our Clients, whether these are Architects, Developers, Contractors or/and independent Clients seeking Structural Engineering Services to realise their vision from scheme design through to fruition/completion of the project, keeping them satisfied and pleased in each and every step of the process.
m EU 19-57 IPE AA 80 - 550, IPE A 80 - 600,
Our Mission
"Communication is the key to our success!"
Our mission is to provide elegant, innovative, functional and economic design solutions that promote Structural Engineering excellence and adopt the highest ethical standards, in a well established frame of core values which are the following:
Collaboration both with our clients as well as with other likeminded professionals (Architects, M&E, QS/QA’s, Contractors, Developers). We partner closely with the aforementioned individuals, to understand their needs and exceed their expectations. We believe that clear and open communication is the key to a successful outcome for each and every project
Seeking Structural Engineering Excellence in all of our projects.
Integrity, manifested through each and every phase of the project. We take pride in delivering structural engineering solutions that fulfil the needs of Architects on the same time that we focus on the buildability and economy of the final outcome. Our clients and collaborators trust us in delivering solid and sound solutions to their challenges on the same time that they are confident that we have performed our analysis and design diligently and carefully.
Innovation. In order to provide niche and elegant design, we seek for creative and innovative solutions to challenges. No matter how simple or complicated a challenge is we enjoy providing inventive resolution that has a positive impact on the final outcome in terms of Aesthetics, Functionality, Economy and Buildability.
We are open to new ideas, seek unique and innovative solutions yet draw from our broad and extensive experience base combining aspects of past successes to form a unique yet simple solution to each and every project. On the same time we constantly evaluate ourselves and how we perform our work and provide services growing and evolving as our clients needs grow and change.